Horary Astrologer Horary Astrology Consultations

Horary Astrologer Felipe Oliveira

Each astrologer is different and has a different focus and approach. Before you decide to have a consultation here are a few words about my approach. See if it resonates with your preferences and needs.

Horary Astrologer Felipe Oliveira

My Approach as a Horary Astrologer

My approach as a horary astrologer is focused on providing confidential and respectful care to clients who have important questions that need answers. I understand that your questions are significant to your life or the lives of your loved ones, and I am here to help you make informed and grounded decisions.

Through a horary astrology consultation, the trained horary astrologer can provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your current life patterns and potentials and the choices you have before you. A horary astrologer connects you with wisdom and guidance to help you navigate life’s challenges and opportunities.

My focus is on practical, applicable knowledge that can improve your life.

Traditional Horary Astrology is an ancient and powerful tool that connects us to the wisdom of the heavens while keeping our feet on the ground and providing valuable insights for decision-making.

Education as a Horary Astrologer

I am a trained and experienced horary astrologer, having received my diploma from John Frawley, one of the greatest living masters of traditional astrology. I have also studied traditional medical astrology with Oscar Hofman, and I have been studying, researching, and practicing traditional astrology since 2005. My writings and teachings can be found at traditionalmedicalastrology.org. If you are ready to make informed and confident decisions, I am here to help.

Other Pursuits

You may learn about my other life pursuits by visiting felipeoliveira.com.

Horary Astrologer Horary Astrology Consultations

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